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작성자 사진Seunghyeuk Lee

I remember the cheer, the scream that comes from the audience, the calls, and the whistle sound as if something important has started. I remember the fresh scent of grass and the ominous scent of sweat. I remember the sweat, the saliva, the pain in my thumbs, the pain in my toes, and the bruises on my elbow. I remember the rush, the adrenaline, the flow, and the bloodstream inside my veins. I remember the lacrosse field.

Have you ever felt like dying but you can't stop what you were doing because the rush was so amazing? You've just gone through a half-time match. You were in a lacrosse field with your teammates, waiting for your turn to come. You were sweating in that gear, including a helmet, a chestplate, an elbow gear, and gloves. Yet you can't take the gear off because you don't know when the coach is going to place you in the field. Your heart is still pounding as if it was a car engine. Your blood is flowing through your veins, you can feel it. You were ready for the next match, or were you?

A student, an ambitious student, from KMLA first found out the lacrosse on March, 2019. His plan was to practice hard for the competition in November, so he gathered his teammates. Most of his teammates were from the 23rd waver international class, but he decided to recruit some of the 24th wavers for balance. I, one of the founding members of the KMLA Lacrosse didn't have a slightest clue of what lacrosse was. It was maybe consisting a slight portion of my concern. However, after a few weeks of training, I was good at it. I was good at passing the balls, I was good at throwing the balls, and most importantly, I was fast. I was actually enjoying it. Soon, our first lacrosse coach came every Monday, and even the coach admitted that I was good at managing the balls. For the first time in my life, I felt I was at the apex of myself in terms of sports. I regularly taught the 24th wavers how to control balls and pass them precisely. I regularly practiced with my friends even though it was not an official playtime. However, something deep was growing inside me, swallowing all the lights I had in my heart. Maybe it was fear. Maybe it was something else.

If you have no faith in yourself, you collapse quicker than any other circumstances. This quote, read in a narrative book in the earlier days, suited my situation. I had no faith in myself. Maybe it was fear. Fear that I might be not as great as others think I am. The smallest thoughts, sparked by the smallest incident can grow quickly like a tumor. This fear, sparked by an unknown trigger, was overwhelming me. It was tearing my mental condition apart so that I couldn't concentrate on the practice plans. Of course, I did not show my concerns to others. It would be too deceptive, right? But the only one I trusted in terms of lacrosse, was the coach. He was a friendly guy, a friendly mentor, and a friendly coach. He even resembled me of my uncle. His words, as I spoke to him, rang my bell. He had the talent to persuade me, the other coaches, and even the officials.

The lacrosse field is full of people. You are watching the vast field, filled with players trying to take the ball. Hitting other players with a stick is no big deal. Your coach calls your name, and you enter the game, assisting 2 goals and cheering up the team. You have overcome your fear.

조회수 13회댓글 0개
작성자 사진Seunghyeuk Lee

Dear Future Me who have completed all the hard works in KMLA

Hi. This is a bit awkward since I’ve never written a letter to myself :) I know you’re having hard times in your college essay. Today must be your early submission deadline, right? Keep calm and cheer up! I don’t know if you’ll have time to read this letter, but I just wanted to remind you that you’ve done well, working through all the hardships you’ve faced in KMLA. So, a few months left in your high school life won’t be a big deal, will it?

Today is November 20th, 2019. 2019 may seem too far away from you. That is because you’ve always gone forward without looking at your back. Maybe it is a part of your nature. Maybe I can blame the circumstances that this high school make. Either way, it is time to let things go. Don’t get me wrong. I am not here to encourage you to give up on everything. You know how 22nd wavers were after October. Smiles were always on their faces, and they were enjoying their lives more than ever. Even a sophomore like me can easily recognize their joy, so you know how your future (at least for a few months) will be, right?

It is time to let things go. Free yourself from the restraints that bind you and feel free after a long time. Then all the little things will seem more precious. You’ve achieved yourself by only looking forward, so it is a time for you to take a break. Recharge yourself, and draw the future through the past. Reflect yourself :)

I can’t help but talk about what’s going on at this point. November 20th, 1:02 A.M. Seems like a meaningless time in a passing timeline, but actually, many things come across in your head while listening to HIGHEST IN THE ROOM by Travis Scott. You were feeling hazy after catching a cold, thinking about whether taking four mathematics in the next semester will be a good choice. In one corner of my mind, you were anxious about which university to apply. On the other corner, you were thinking about your personal relationships with your friends. Thus, I just want you to know that even the moment seems insignificant, these insignificant moments sum up to be a significant presence.

I won’t ask you about the results. I’ve just encouraged to let things go, right? What matters is that you’ve done your best (I know you’ve done your best) and wait for your opportunity. There is an old Korean saying, “진인사대천명”, which, as you know, is your family motto. As the old Korean saying goes, “Do your best and leave the rest to God”. Then, again, cheer up! There’s still a bright day ahead of you!

조회수 4회댓글 0개

최종 수정일: 2019년 10월 13일

Gravity: A visual masterpiece directed by Alfonso Cuaron







The movie begins the text shown above along with the beautiful and ecstatic appearance of the Earth shot from the tranquil universe.

1. The Story is fairly simple, but it is rhythmical and evocative.

Mission specialist Dr. Ryan Stone is on her first spacewalk to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. The mission's commander, Matt Kowalski, was on his last flight before retirement. The movie focuses mainly on these two characters (They are actually the only people the audiences can see in the movie). After a few minutes into the film, a message from the Earth says that Russia's firing of its own satellite to dismantle it has caused a chain reaction. After another few minutes, all hell breaks loose. The Space Shuttle Explorer gets hit by debris and breaks into pieces, killing their co-workers immediately. The movie follows the story of Dr. Ryan Stone and Matt Kowalski struggling to return to the Earth. It is a simple story, yet breathtaking. The movie seems to know when to keep the suspense and satisfy the audience throughout the film.

2. The view of the universe on the IMAX screen and its camera work is phenomenal.

Personally, one of the biggest reasons for watching space films is its visual style. The movie not only raised its visual effect to the limit, but it gives the audience a feeling of being in space.

Space debris crash scene from the film: Gravity

One of the main reasons why the audience can feel of being in space is the camera work. The film is renowned for its 12 minutes and 30 seconds long-take intro. During the opening sequence, the camera work introduces the characters, rotates around the space shuttle, and even enters inside of the helmet! The film won the Academy Awards for 'Best Visual Effects' and 'Best Cinematography'.

3. Dr. Ryan Stone's acting is incredible

After half of the movie, Dr. Ryan Stone becomes the sole survivor of the Explorer. Although most of the movies progress through dialogue, with only one character alive, this movie takes a drastically different approach. In the inevitable part, Dr. Ryan Stone delivers information to the audience through soliloquy. But the movie effectively conveys information even in nonverbal ways: breathing. Since there is no medium to deliver sound in space, all other sounds are not heard and only the sound of breathing can be heard. The movie uses it cleverly, giving a quick, harsh breath sounds in the tense part and a calm, stable breath sounds in the other part. The actress is even said to have practiced only her breath sounds separately!


Ironically, the movie takes 99 percent of its screening time in places without gravity. Then, why is the movie not called zero-gravity? Why would it be called gravity? Some critics call it a human drama. I will, too, because the movie contains a number of symbolic materials such as <Ad Astra> that was introduced earlier. To briefly schematize the symbolic structure of a movie, the Earth will mean life and hope, and the universe will mean escape and death. Dr. Ryan Stone, the main character of the movie, was living a reluctant life after the death of her daughter on Earth. Then she was selected for a mission in space and had an accident, going through a period of intense survival from space to Earth, and then undergoing a process of rebirth to live a "life." In other words, what gravity means in the movie will be the direction to life (the direction to the Earth), and the director's intention to name the movie "Gravity," which goes on in a state of zero gravity throughout the screening period, will be to consider and aspire to the meaning of life.

조회수 5회댓글 0개
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