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작성자 사진Seunghyeuk Lee

1. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but I seem to judge a person with his or her first impression to some extent even though I know that it is a bad habit. Though in most cases, a person’s first impression goes along with his or her post-image.

2. I admit that I show mild symptoms of thalassophobia. It’s not that I fear the vast ocean which I see when standing on the sandy beach; a reservoir surrounded by mountains or the deep, empty, and void sea is what makes me feel heavy. A recent film - Underwater, starring Kristen Stewart, captures the dark and suffocating environment of the deep-sea well.

3. But strangely enough, I show no fear of space. The universe, just like the deep sea, is a vast and void place, but rather the universe stimulates imagination and curiosity. I believe this is the driving motivation behind my preference for space movies and even exploration.

4. My hobby is to compose music, though I hardly believe that I have any musical talent. I still don’t know how I gained an interest in it. Perhaps I was impressed by the fact that I could make sounds for instruments that I would not normally be able to play - clarinet, gayageum, saxophone, drum, or even harp – all at the push of a button.

5. Speaking of music, I used to play the piano in the old days. I even mastered Czerny 40. However, I forgot almost everything now, so the song that I can play with the most confidence is Flower Dance.

6. After the Covid-19 outbreak, in order to keep in shape, I started jogging. When I was in Daegu, I woke up at 6:20, jogged around the apartment complex, came back home at 7, took a shower, and ate breakfast.

7. I think I found out the best breakfast for me. Tomato Caprese and milk. I found out this after I started jogging. 8. I rarely use Facebook messenger because I hate the active online sign. 9. The most recent song I’ve listened to is Kendrick Lamar’s Backseat Freestyle. My favorite song is The Weeknd's reminder, and I don't know why, but listening to his voice makes me feel lighthearted without thinking too much about the secular world. Of course, I try not to understand the lyrics as much as possible.

10. Living alone seems to have definitely improved my cooking skills. Japchae would be the most difficult cuisine I am able to create, for its excessive ingredients and seasoning. Thus, I seldom make it.

11. Many like spaghetti as a Bencotto, but I sometimes prefer eating it as Al Dente. Al Dente is usually cooked about 70%, but when you actually eat it, you have to cook it again with the sauce in the pan due to its hard texture. In fact, I heard that people in Italy usually follow this “protocol” when they eat pasta in Al Dente.

12. I am the cleanest in my dorm room. It’s been three years. I believe this will be a great disadvantage when living alone.

13. I can proudly say that I’ve got the most diverse music taste among KMLA students, and so far, 2,853 songs have been downloaded to my smartphone, 76 of which are Korean songs, and the rest are all foreign songs. The genre includes almost all genres of songs, ranging from classical rock such as Nirvana to modern rock such as MCR/Green Day, pop, hip-hop, EDM, R&B, classical music, and even Latin pop. Among them, the genre I enjoy listening to the most is hip-hop and EDM.

14. I don’t know about the others, but I tend to decide whether to listen to the full song or not by listening to the first five seconds. All of my songs on my smartphone are selected through the preceding method.

15. I discovered the song of the coffin dance meme (probably the most famous meme after the quarantine) 3 years ago. It feels weird to see the song become viral, but it’s a shame at the same time. How do you feel when a song that only you know become famous? The official audio of the song is currently heading for 70 million views on Youtube.

16. Being agile makes me good at sports using a racquet. I was a state badminton player when I was in middle school. I’m currently a lacrosse player. I wish to play tennis after graduation.

17. I adore watching movies. Though I usually don’t have preferences over movie genres, I do watch a lot of SF, thriller, action, and drama genre movies. I also like when movies have some food for thought. Ironically enough, my favorite movie is Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity, which I love so much that I dedicated a single essay praising the excellence of the film.

18. The most recent movie I’ve watched is Spotlight, starring Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams, and Michael Keaton. Among the movies I watched recently, the movie I’d like to recommend to someone else the most is Argo, directed by Ben Affleck. Among the movies I watched lately, the most memorable line is Argo, f*** yourself, performed by Alan Arkin. It gives me catharsis every time the scene is played.

19. I don’t like when a piece of music ends with fade-out. It seems too corny. It feels like a cop-out and a lack of creativity.

20. I suffered meningitis when I was 3. Even the doctors said no, I’m still alive, well and intact.

21. One day, I hope to participate in the UMF or the Tomorrowland music festival. I wanted to, but I couldn’t due to the age limit.

22. One of the habits I want to fix the most is the dragon’s head, snake’s tail.

23. I seriously want to figure out why déjà vu occurs. The most recent déjà vu I’ve experienced was 3 days ago when I was talking with my friend at a café.

24. I am more of a coffee person than a tea person. I start my day with a cup of coffee. Not on the weekdays, on the weekends.

25. I try not to be a perfect person, but try to be a great one. If there is anything you should be most careful about in your life, I think it is (human) relationship. Thus to be a great person, I believe cultivating human connections is a necessity. 26. I like programming. But I don't intend to do my major and career as a programmer. Since in the future, programming will be essential in any field, so I just study in advance. Not to be pejorative, but I don't want to type codes while working overtime every day and just looking at the computer screen. In fact, many IT entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Elon Musk did not major in computer science.

27. As mentioned above, I haven’t decided what I want to do yet. Some say it’s too early to decide one’s future, but I envy my friends who set their goals and move forward.

28. I am a big fan of minimalism. But only in fashion and art. I prefer an extravagant lifestyle to a minimalist lifestyle.

29. I am allergic to pollens. May is the worst.

30. I think cats are the perfect animals. My parents are both allergic to cats, so when I get married, I’ll strongly insist to have a cat.

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Gosh, what would be the source of this appetizing scent? Maybe it might be the pork belly that I’ve put in the air fryer 40 minutes ago. Maybe it might be the sirloin steak I’ve placed in the oven an hour ago. Either way, my stomach was growling with hunger and craving for food to enter. I let my senses lead me, and my body was in front of the air fryer all of a sudden. However, as I opened up the lid of the trembling machine, my hand came to a halt, filled with anguish.

Old enough (I guess I’m fairly old enough to live on my own), I left my hometown, Daegu, and live apart in Seoul every vacation. Regardless of the fact that only 50 square meters of spaces are allowed for me, my rented house was another home away from home. Usually, I used to spend my vacation studying there, focusing on the small things in life. However, I made a new resolution from this vacation, which was to cook. This is the conclusion I came to think that in order for me to study abroad in the U.S. anyway, I have to know how to cook and that cooking will be an essential factor in the future (There is also a saying that a good cook visually/aesthetically attractive).

Looking forward to making my first meal on my own, I ordered an air fryer with a 5L capacity. The rest was simple. I searched for the recipe for making a roast pork belly with an air fryer and bought all the ingredients at the local grocery market. I returned to my home, both hands full of food, as solemn as a knight at the brink of war.

Displaying its glossiness, the appearance of the meat was enough to make the cooking procedure start with excitement. With a little help from our friendly Youtube cooking channels, the process carried out smoothly. The pork belly was cut and salt was put between it, and garlic and paprika were cut into bite-sized pieces. The air fryer was timed for 40 minutes with plenty of green tea and olive oil poured in.

Endless time has passed. Have you ever started grilling pork belly and smelled it over time? One might say you haven’t lived until you’ve enjoyed its fat, fried fragrance. Perhaps it is a privilege that only Koreans could enjoy.

Not long after, the room was filled with the scent of the pork. But then,


Maybe this was an omen for the disaster. Though it was not a loud explosion, I was too afraid to check inside the machine. The only hope I could count on was that the machine didn’t blow up. My mind just kept asking, why? Why would the machine blow up? Why would the cuisine go wrong? Why would our friendly Youtuber deliver us with false information?

Each idea planted a seed in my mind and grew beyond my control. Will the fire break out? Will it... Ding! It was the moment of truth. What would be the one factor that undermines all the hardship I’ve done to make a fine meal?

As it turned out (futilely), it was the olive oil; an excessive amount was added to the cuisine, all due to my greed. If you think about it, the pork belly itself contains enough fat to not only grease the entire chunk of meat but also the vegetables I’ve put in. Therefore, the consequences of excessive amounts of oil when it meets more excessive amounts of oil were obvious. The fat explodes. Everything happens for a reason, you know.

Nevertheless, the pork belly was still delectable. Thus, compelling lessons of today: To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short. Pork belly is scrumptious no matter what happens.

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최종 수정일: 2020년 11월 3일

Director Christopher Nolan's visual masterpiece, Interstellar gained over 10 million audiences alone in South Korea.

The title of Christopher Nolan’s behemoth space epic says it all – a grandiloquent declaration of scale that smacks simultaneously of ambition and hubris – like Titanic, both the ship and the film. The good news is that this flawed but frequently awe-inspiring movie about wormholes and black holes does not implode into a dark star of disappointment; if it’s a spectacle you want, then Interstellar delivers, particularly when viewed in Nolan’s preferred 70mm Imax format.

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